During the early 80's the club became very concerned with regard to welfare issues and the plight of many Siamese who, through no fault of their own, found themselves homeless. A Welfare Fund was set up within the club to help deal with re-homing, fostering etc. Many needed extensive Veterinary treatment and the cost was met by the Welfare Fund. The recession in the late 80's found the club, particularly Mrs Jean Murchison and Mrs Brigid Oakley, heavily committed to this cause.
In the late 90's the Welfare Fund was left a very generous legacy from Mrs Ambrose who had owned one of Mrs Jane Wyatt's Seal Point Neuters, and adopted a rescue Siamese as company for him. Upon her death the two cats, Sammy and Debbie Lou were taken into care by the club and found a new home – one was 14+ and the other 10. The committee then proposed that the Welfare Fund be registered as a charity to operate entirely independently from the club. This was approved unanimously by the members at an AGM. Our application was duly accepted by the Charities Commission and registered with them as The Siamese Cat Club Welfare Trust. The Trust has it's own website HERE.
In the late 90's the Welfare Fund was left a very generous legacy from Mrs Ambrose who had owned one of Mrs Jane Wyatt's Seal Point Neuters, and adopted a rescue Siamese as company for him. Upon her death the two cats, Sammy and Debbie Lou were taken into care by the club and found a new home – one was 14+ and the other 10. The committee then proposed that the Welfare Fund be registered as a charity to operate entirely independently from the club. This was approved unanimously by the members at an AGM. Our application was duly accepted by the Charities Commission and registered with them as The Siamese Cat Club Welfare Trust. The Trust has it's own website HERE.